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Hello and welcome to my website!


I’m Ansley & I’m what you would get if Emma Stone met Maya Hawke— a redhead with an edge. 


Independent and outspoken, I tend to play the rebellious leader type with a penchant for chaos. Usually as the loner in the back of the class with an unpredictable aura, or the sarcastic sidekick telling the ingenue to get it together. 


Originally from the land of run-down brothels and casinos, I grew up toeing the edge of “inappropriate”. I love anything that terrifies me and don’t usually say no to trying new things or pushing myself to gain new skills. Growing up, there weren't many opportunities to pursue classes or extracurriculars— instead of waiting for a way to explore, I taught myself guitar and piano while also picking up kickboxing and archery.


Thankfully, independence and determination aren’t something I need lessons on. My goal is to star in an action drama (preferably with pirates) and show just how cool girls who sword-fight are! 



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